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Selenium Tutorials

Important Note:  I keep updating this page with new tutorial videos. Either bookmark it or subscribe to my blog to receive notifications about new video tutorial :)
This is some thing which has been keeping me on edge from long and mushrooming Selenium Training Institutes in India and around the world are only pushing me more. What I don't appreciate about these training institutes -
    • A hefty fee. Selenium is free, should not training be free also?
    • No contribution to Selenium what so ever. Claiming to be Selenium expert, earning money on training and no willingness to participate in Selenium development, helping selenium users on various forums or assisting SeleniumHQ in any way. 
  • Shameless copy of Selenium doc with out any reference. One such reference here (Since I linked it here, page has been removed from site). Wonder how much of their training material is derived from SeleniumHQ.
  •  Learn Selenium in days of training or videos.  I assume this pressure of learning things quickly is derived from sudden need to finish an automation job for the contract your employee got of late.  When I had begun with Selenium about 4 years ago. I did not know J of java and what helped me most was, Google and Clear Space forum at OpenQA (The forum is been disabled now and Selenium forum is available at Google Group and also linked on this site). And I eventually became co author of official Selenium doc.
So what could be the solution. Share the knowledge, blog about what you have learnt in Selenium and not just Selenium any other tool or Manual testing or any other field of software testing. Participating in forums are the one of the best way to learn and share your knowledge with others. Organize local group on Selenium training. If physical location is not possible then Skype, WebEx, Zoom or some other software can help, especially when wanting to converse others located elsewhere.

Having said that I have been thinking to provide free selenium training either online or at a physical location. Topic, Place, Meeting time could be decided when a good number of  participants are ready to commit. Want to discuss it more follow this thread. This is my way of sharing what little I have learned about web automation in past few years. And I am in no way wanting to enforce my methods. I may know something, I might be wrong in my approach towards certain aspects of automation. It's for you to decide and follow what best suites your need.

n.b. Why limit it to only Selenium why not encompass other free/open source tools like - Jmeter? Have more ideas?


I have started conducting online Selenium Session. A few of you asked me to keep all video recordings URLs in one place for ease of accessibility. I would keep this page updated with all Selenium Training meet videos.
Videos are viewed best in 720p (HD) Quality Setting in You Tube -

Facing any issue with watching videos? Contact me at tkumarb at


Selenium training videos are linked in the following table.

Will I master Selenium after following these video?

Unfortunately not, Selenium like any other topic can not be learnt from just one source of information. You need to strive hard to master Selenium or any other skill (full stop).

If you are new to java programming then head over to  Java Training Videos first.

Selenium Training Topic
Selenium Training Video

How much java to learn for Selenium -

  •   OOPS - Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism
  • Introduction to Class, instance variable, instance methods, class variable, class method, Object
  • Constructor, Abstract Class, Interface, method overloading, method overriding, Package
  • Loops - To execute same statements time and again, for example logging in for 5 different accounts using same method
  • Arrays - You don't want to keep writing variables all overs you test scripts


Understanding Selenium and Element location techniques -

  • What is Selenium? Selenium Suite of tools - Selenium IDE, Selenium 1, Selenium 2 and Grid
  • Limitations of Selenium 1 and how Selenium 2 addresses them
  • Which Selenium tools fits my needs - Selenium IDE, Selenium 2 or Grid?
  • Object location strategies - id, name, xPath, css selectors - Which one to use and when?
    Using Firebug and Chrome Console

Beginning with WebDdriver and writing your first Selenium tests -

  • Using nth locator in CSS
  • Selenium IDE
  • Firefox and Chrome Driver
  • Basics of TestNG framework and using it with Selenium

Java Collection framework and Page Object Pattern -

  • Java Collection framework - List and Set
  • Map class
  • Page object pattern for writing robust Selenium tests

Test Design -

  • Page Object Revisited

  • Optimizing Page Object methods

  • Using TestNG data provider method to do data driven testing

  • Executing java script from WebDriver 

Test Design cont. and Introduction to Maven -
  • Page Factory Pattern
  • Data externalization using properties files
  • Capture application screen shot only during test failure (TestNG + Selenium)
  • Introduction to Maven and mavenizing your Selenium project

Test Design cont. Introduction to Selenium grid-
  • Soft assertion in Test (continuing test execution of method even if one assert fails)
  • Using csv file for test data, Watching test data in TestNG Report
  • Using Selenium Grid to scale your tests

Jenkins Marries Selenium

  • Introduction to jenkins
  • Download and Install jenkins
  • Set up free style project to find version of java

  • Set up Selenium project for jenkins (Sample project from 7th Selenium training session) -
  • Configure maven on jenkins - http://localhost:8080/configure
  • Build maven2 Selenium project and runn Job
  • View TestNG results
  • Using Jenkins plugin

How to Instantiate WebDriver
  • What is wrong with instantiating WebDriver on base class set up?
  • How to instantiate WebDriver to save resources

Security Testing and Selenium
  • What is dynamic application security testing
  • ZAP set up with Selenium
  • Passive scanning using ZAP and selenium
  • Security test report


Dealing with multiple form objects

  • Form with many fields
  • How to not write bloated data objects
  • Builder pattern comes for rescue


IDEA hacks

This session covers -
  • Refactor - > Encapsulate fields
  • Refactor - rename
  • Code generation - > Generate getter, setters, toString, equals etc. Ex
  • Conditional Debug points
  • Cmd + shift +a to search anything
  • Analyze stacktrace


Intro to java 8 and selenium using java 8

This session covers -
  • Why is java 8 so popular?
  • I do not java yet : -/
  • What is FunctionalInterface?
  • Functional programming and Lambda
  • Interface having method with no argument
  • Interface having method with one argument
  • What if AnimalHavingMethodArgument has two abstract methods?
  • And what next? > Future training videos sneak peak using java 8 and selenium?


Java 8 part 2: Stream filter operations and Selenium WebDriver

This session covers -
  • List operations in java 8
    • Using stream with List
    • Filter stream
    • FindFirst
  • Intro to method references
  • Intermediate operations (i.e. filter, map)
  • Terminal operation (forEach, findFirst, reduce, collect)
  • WebDriver and list examples using java 8

java-8-part-2-Stream filter operations and Selenium WebDriver

Java 8 part 3: Stream map operations and Selenium WebDriver

This session covers -
  • Some more gran on lambda
  • Intro. to Stream > map api (Forget about Map api for now :))
  • How lambda returns a value?
  • Using predicate static variable and method references
  • WebDriver and map examples using java 8
  • Debugging map operation on data point


Java 8 part 4: Optional and Selenium WebDriver

This session covers -
  • Java 8 part 4: Optional and Selenium WebDriver (yes learning Optional is not optional :))
  • Why Optional > What happen when data is null
  • Optional > an object which may or may not contain non null values (some prefer to call it empty value)
  • Do you remember where we used Optional?  :) com.seleniumtests.java8.ListExamples class > findFirst()
  • Creating Optional using - of, ofNullable, orElse  
  • WebDriver examples with Optional >    
    • Default locale
    • Testing with different data sets i.e. lower and upper case


Java 8 part 5: IntStream, sum, avg, reduce, file reading operations and SeleniumWebDriver

This session covers -
  • Method implementation on interface with java 8 - static and default methods, wtf??
  • IntStream.range()
  • More Stream operations -    
    • sum, sort, average
    • And how do I add double numbers?
  • Reading from file
  • Collectors.toMap 
  • Where are the WebDriver examples??


Java 8 part 6: Stream cont. and Selenium WebDriver

This session covers -
  • Different ways of creating Stream
    • empty stream, stream of collection, stream of string objects, stream builder, stream generate method with limit and iterate
  • Stream of primitives
    • int, long and double streams using IntStream, LongStream, DoubleStream interfaces
  • Stream of File
  • Streams can not be reused
  • How to eliminate expensive operations
  • And what is parallel stream?? 
  • And some WebDriver examples


Java 8 part 7: Back to basics and Selenium WebDriver

This session covers -

  • PECS > Producer extends Consumer super
  • Remember Generics which provide type safety?:
  • What are “extends”, “super” and bounded wild card?
  • <? extends T> and <? super T> WTF ??? 
  • map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper) example from com.seleniumtests.tests.web.SeleniumWithJava8Session6#usingJava8
    • forEach(Consumer<? super T> action)
    • PECS on Jav8 > Stream examples -


Generic Selenium and Automation Tutorials

Some of the tutorials are for Selenium 1 but concept can be easily applied to Web Driver 

And training sessions are not limited to only Selenium, subscribe to my YouTube channel for more :)


  1. Really applaudable for the contribution you are doing. Thank you very much.

  2. This is the wonderful selenium tutorial site i have seen till today.
    Many many thanks to the initiative you have taken to educate the newbies on Selenium framework.

  3. Thanks for all your work on Selenium . Its a good source to learn Selenium :)


  4. Thanks for sharing knowledge on Selenium. It is very useful..


  5. Awesome tuts, superb presentation, and thank u so much for this and really helpfulll for all selenium folks...

  6. Very useful infomation that I have been looking for. Thanks for sharing your knowledge on selenium.

  7. The most practical and free way to learn selenium covering all aspects

  8. Hi,
    Learning through videos is actually a great way, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

  9. This is infact a great initiative. I have started seeing the videos and its really helpful to learn Selenium. Million thanks for taking the effort to share the knowledge with us mate.

  10. I have been visiting this website from a long time now and its getting better and better day by day. I am waiting for tutorials on "JAVA, Selenium GRID and Create your own android apps in JAVA".

    I just wish that this website could get a little faster.

  11. Thanks a lot for publishing free videos which is of real use for the present day testing standards. Great work!

  12. Thanks a lot for the really useful selenium course contents. Great work!!

  13. I really liked the idea of videos. They are really good and professional. Thanks for all your hardwork !

  14. Great set of videos to learn selenium. I joined selenium course by a popular center in India and learnt nothing from them. You have put great efforts in making these videos and that too free. I feel pretty confident in selenium after going through your videos.

  15. I was wondering how to enter in to the test automation world. Here is the way, a freeway. A free tool with a free entry. Can't ask for more. Excellent learning matl. Ta, buddy. Good work, great effort, there are good people in this world.
    Sel User

  16. I started self learning Test automation few month before tried all possible ways and able to design and implement automated scripts , but last 3 days i watched your videos and realized what i worked so far and now i got answers for many of my hidden doubts about selenium .I want to share these videos to all my colleagues who are struggling to learn Automation ..i can say i simple Thanks for all your Hard work and ideology.

  17. Excellent tutorial not only on Selenium but Java too. Helped a lot to understand Selenium and also design test scripts that are easily maintained and readable.

    Thanks again.

  18. I self learned selenium from here and there, but it was my bad luck or what , I didn't find this site till last few days. It teaches most of the things I learned in better way and many new things. I wish I could have found it earlier. Thanks for putting these efforts.

  19. I self learned selenium from here and there. It was my bad luck or what , couldn't find this site until few days back. videos here teaches most of the things i learned in better way and many new things. I hope i would have found this site earlier. Thanks for putting such great efforts for free training. keep it up !!!

  20. I've been looking a lot of information on the use of selenium, it is because in this moment I am in QA team of enterprise where I'm working. I want to continue learning and your page has a information very amazing... for this, your page has everything that i need.
    Thank you for upload this information to web

  21. I've been looking a lot of information on the use of selenium, it is because in this moment I am in QA team of enterprise where I'm working. I want to continue learning and your page has a information very amazing... for this, your page has everything that i need.
    Thank you for upload this information to web

  22. I started automation testing with QTP, later moved to Selenium IDE, I found selenium is much better tool compared to other tools,so I wanted to learn more on webdriver, here I found all the videos with detailed explanation helped me lot to learn. I really appreciate the work and effort in making videos and SHARING THE KNOWLEDGE who are in need

    Thanks a lot :)

  23. I have been looking for free selenium training around the internet and cannot find anything valuable until I found these recordings. All instructions are very clear and very helpful for me as a beginner in selenium web driver. I have watched all videos and now I will try to find more interesting tips on this website. Thank you very much lads for these tutorials etc.

  24. Wow, really appreciate all the work that has been put into this .I've been scratching head to know how to learn selenium(How to start,Where to learn) Goggling for more than a week then i found this blog and videos it made me learn much faster than I think. Nice idea 'Open Source to be learnt without any fee' I agree with that.Videos helped me in solving most of problems i faced,expecting contribution will continue further for (like TestNG,ReportNG).

  25. This is an excellent site for learning all the concepts of testing. You come here as a amatuer tester and would definitely go back as an expert tester.
    The quality and content of the tutorials is so good that even a laymen can understand. Keep up the good work guys.

  26. I think these videos are far better than the other ones as they deal with more complex ideas, rather than just the basics. Also the information is easy to follow, as the presenter is quite knowledgeable.

  27. These videos are very good for anyone who wants to learn selenium.The concepts are very nicely explained.Thanks alot for the videos.

  28. I started learning selenium form here and there, it was very difficult to get know frameworks and concepts. I wanted some visuals( ex. videos about framework) which teaches of most the things in better way. I found this site which gives an brief overview of selenium to beginners. Thanks for putting such a great effort for free training!!! I would like to share this site links to my friends as well, so that even they can find the easiest way to learn selenium.

  29. Thanks you very much as this videos are very very useful for me,

  30. Searched a lot for some free selenium videos and I found only these. They are very easy to follow and understand. Thanks for posting these videos.

  31. Systematic, easy and professional. Your hardwork and dedication shows.
    This is the best free resource online for learning Selenium.
    Keep up the good work... Best of Luck

  32. This site gives me hope that i am going to be an expert in Selenium.
    Thank you so much.

  33. This tutorial has been the most comprehensive and organized for selenium training. Previously I trained myself by navigating to many sites to find selenium support, but now I can come to one place for training videos with latest selenium web driver technologies, forums and support. It is also free. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  34. very gud tutorial, for selenium beginners
    thank u very much

  35. These video tutorials are very educational. They cover the whole end-to-end process of how to test with selenium for someone starting to learn selenium from scratch. Thank you very much for making these tutorials freely available.

  36. As you know friend "Sharing is Caring" and you did exactly that . I went through the first tutorial video and found it very informative and easy to learn , but do you have any video where you explained about the basic means for total newbie , like what are the software that we requires to get started , where to find it etc ?

    1. I would suggest you to go through remaining videos for more information. Hope it helps

  37. The contents provided on Selenium is just excellent. To start with Selenium tool I think this is what anyone should be starting with. Video tutorials are very self explanatory and very comprehensive. This is the best free training forum I have found while searching throughout web.

  38. One of the best online tutorials for learning Selenium. Not to mention its free but also the course content is too good. The basics are given weight age and the Advanced features are explained in detail too. This is second best to the material on SELENIUM HQ website. Good things come in small packages and this is definitely one of them.

  39. It is a good site. I got all my queries answered here.. video tutorial are awesome. I would like to have some more videos and projects on API testing. Good job done by Tarun.. Looking for more

  40. This site is very useful for beginners to learn selenium. Thanks to site admin...I would like to share this site to my friends..


  41. Very good site for selenium learners who wants to learn online.Thanks kumar for sharing ur knowledge to others.

  42. It is a great thing of share the videos for free...... and after watching these videos I felt very happy for the effort of tutor.... Anyone can learn selenium without any doubts through this site.... Hope more videos will come forward for the user...

  43. Great Work..! All these contents embedded here helped me a lot to strengthen my base, as well as to know the facts which were not known. Have not seen an effort like this any where else. Not just limited to selenium, its an excellent site for enthusiasts in Software Testing.. Waiting for more updates..!

  44. I joined one institute in Bangalore and learned nothing.It was just money-sqeezing course.Fortunately enough, i found this blog and gone through your work.Its very easy to comprehend and edgy.Milllion thanks.

  45. Hi it is really worth going through your site.I really enjoying reading your site,It is really very very helpful for freshers and working professionals, it is excellent site to share and browser and learn things without spending money. Thank you very much for your effort

  46. Hi, Thanks a ton for putting so much effort and time in making this tutorial. The tutorial is very well presented and any beginner can follow it with ease. Its a great site and will definitely recommend it. Thanks again.

  47. I appreciate your efforts in providing free Selenium training to those who don't want to spend money on this free tool. All the videos are brilliantly explained and it covers the concept to the base idea. Hats off to you for your noble work. Keep up the good work :) God bless you.

  48. No words to say about Tarun to share valuable videos for selenium.This videos help so many people for learning selenium.Good work tarun.

  49. Good resource for budding Automation Testers. keep up the good work.

  50. Thanks for providing such a good platform to learn selenium for beginner. Video tutorials are awesome.

    This site is very useful and waiting for more videos to come :) Great work admin.

  51. Its really providing complete information about selenium for any starter,and really appreciation for providing free videos with in very interest mode!!

    Its really great work keep going on and all the best and appreciation for your attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. It's a awesome site for the beginner's to learn the Basic and Advance concepts of selenium like locating web elements , integrate the web driver's API with maven and Jenkins and some concepts/ideas to design the framework by using selenium web drivers API , TestNG etc.

  53. The website is really helpful. Its starts with the basic and this is one of the few sites having API testing and selenium. Great work. It would be really helpful if you can share some real life applications that you have used or come up with for each module. Also, it would be great if you can post some typical Qs asked on interviews. Keep up the great work!

  54. This is a great initiative to share knowledge. I have been looking for Selenium Tutorial and Training Videos but could not good ones, here it is really a good stuff to learn.

    I appreciate the work done over here.

  55. Thanks for posting one of the best training videos on Seleniun. Very well explained. Anyone having a minimal experience in Java, can just go through the material here and be ready to implement in projects.

  56. Thanks Tarun for ur remarkable effort to make all learn SELENIUM free. Hats off to U buddy.

  57. The video material content was very much educative.Thanks a ton!!!

  58. Very useful website. I wish I had found this long ago. Thanks for the effort.

  59. After going through the videos which you had included it feels me like i'm in class room training.

    Really appreciate the work which you had done..... No more words from to appreciate ...

    Thanks again .........

  60. Every lesson/video completely deliver the concept/components involved. This is a completed set of information alon Selenium and its component. I need not go for other site for want of basic information. The page factory video is a plus for viewer where this tutorial teach how to organise your code by seperating operational and test part. Further more, the intension of author to promote Selenium among the testing community is highly appreciated. I have one suggestion, please add more tutorials on test reporting part such as using xslt etc.

  61. There are exhaustive resources here and I appreciate what you are doing. The video tutorials are great and very informative.
    Keep Up the good work!!

    I hope to see many more training content and videos coming.

    Thanks a lot!!


  62. This tutorial is one of the most comprehensive and organized for selenium training , rally a Great set of videos to learn selenium.

    I wanted some visuals( ex. videos about framework) which teaches of most the things in better way. I found this site which gives an brief overview of selenium to beginners. Thanks for putting such a great effort for free training .

    Previously I trained myself by navigating to many sites to find help in selenium , I found all the videos with detailed explanation helped me lot to learn. I really appreciate the work and effort in making videos and SHARING THE KNOWLEDGE who are in need

  63. Firstly, I do really appreciate your initiation on sharing your selenium knowledge @free of cost. That's a huge plus for anyone per se. Secondly, I just finished watching your couple of videos on selenium,so I would like to make a point here..your way of presentation is awesome but the only drawback was the session was being interrupted by the attendees every now and then or else it would have been fantastic. All in all I really thank you.

  64. Hi Tarun

    Thanks for your good and noble work. The Selenium videos you shared are good for beginners and are in very simple language. I would like to appreciate the examples you choose to explain the topic. The presentation and quality of content is also great.
    I am a manual tester and wanted to learn selenium but was unable to know from where to start with. The videos shared on this site helped me to start from the basics and understand the concept.

    Thanks for your videos..

  65. Since last couple of months I was searching good site for learning Selenium. i do get some links but they are very short and address basic part os Selenium. This Website gave lot of information which I was searching forT this is detalied one, covering basics to in depth making user ready to work on selenium. Thanks one and all involved in making these videos and sharing them on new at free. Thanks a lot

  66. This website has been a great help to me, I was able to learn selenium quickly as the tutorials were explaining the concept by taking a real time examples. Thanks everyone who is involved with this project

  67. Of the Selenium tutorials I have checked from various sources, the set of tutorials regarding the Selenium WebDriver from this web site was the best. There was enough detail and depth to enable one to seriously start using the WebDriver. A key point was the 'integration of plug-ins and Jenkins with Eclipse to put it altogether.

  68. I wanted to learn selenium for my career and this tutorial gave me the chance. Your videos are very helpful for me , the examples and presentation is very good.Thanks

  69. Training videos are very informative and helpfull for selenium beginers .Great work .i could learn concepts here.
    I was facing lot of issues while coding selenium scripts after going through your training videos i could sove the issues.
    Great Thanks

  70. Very helpful training. Went over many selenium training videos, but so far this is the best where we have all at one place to start of a selenium project on your own. Was looking for trainings that explains about setting up a framework to start of my selenium project and this training is perfect in helping me set up my framework to start writing my test classes. All the examples used in this training are very advanced and useful.
    Thanks a lot for making this training available to everyone free of cost.

  71. What do I say? Any words are not enough. To put it mildly, best source of selenium training. The best part is its free. Lot of information, tips, tricks and small details you won't find anywhere. All videos are must watch.

  72. If anyone in future asks me how to learn selenium I will recommend this blog. Excellent job. Good simple examples. Kudos

  73. Hi Its very best source selenium training site. i will recommend this blog for my friends to read selenium . Thanks for your valuable training .All videos are must watch.This site greatful for who are taking selenium training.. Thanks

  74. Great work!!! The effort put in is highly applaud-able. The videos are very simple and easy to understand. Anyone who wants to learn selenium with the help of videos, without shelling out huge bucks on fees, this is the right place. Enjoy leaning selenium here!!! :)

  75. Great job!!!! After watching these videos I clearly understand what is Selenium, webdriver, TestNg etc…
    Anyone wants to learn selenium these videos really help them to understand exactly how it works. The examples shows in the videos are very clear, simple and effective. And big thanks to you as you are sharing these videos free.

  76. Thanks a lot ! I haven't still gone through the videos or started learning from them but the entire effort and your idea of doing it free and the reason behind it is great :) .

  77. Great Job Dude !!

    The videos are very simple and easy to understand. I will strongly recommend my friends to learn Selenium here.

  78. Shartul,

    I am looking to explore the advance methodologies with respect to scaling the Test framework and excited to view such a high source of knowledge on Automation Testing

  79. I would definitely recommend that course to someone who start learning selenium, guys did a great job. And it is cool how they approach to problem solving on different angle.

  80. Excellent job. Training videos contain all advanced topics and it's very well explained in very very simple way. Thanks for sharing these video's and best part is video's are free.

  81. Simply Superb! I feel so confident after watching these videos. The concepts are explained in a simple and easy to understand way. Thanks a zillion for this wonderful and free resource. Keep up the great work!

  82. I started automating tests (using selenium) few mounts ago in my new company, and since i began i have searched for sites and blogs that have material about selenium and i never found nothing like this, this work that are being doing in here is amazing and very helpful. Since i started watching the videos lessons i solved most off my problems that i have in my job.

    guys thanks for sharing you knowledge with us.

  83. Very good job Tarun !! Great efforts by you to the Selenium community. Keep it up. Definitely, it will help many users.

  84. Very Good job!!The videos are very informative and upto the point.All the concepts are clearly explained.

    Thanks a lot for your efforts.

    Keep up the good work.

  85. Hi,

    I was learning selenium webdriver through online. I was finding very difficult to learn. I was searching for a better place, where i could learn the concepts clearly. I was searching in youtube, and i got to know about this forum. The videos here are very informative, and useful. I felt it was one of the best one's . Thanks for uploading videos in youtube. Please share me the scripts for future use.


  86. I have watched some of the videos and am very much eagerly waiting for some more videos. Please do help me. Very Good job!!!

  87. One of my friend suggester this forum it is helping me to understand Selenium concepts really well. Really appreciate you uploading these videos.

  88. When i was looking for some free selenium tutorials, i found this wonderful collection of selenium training videos. These videos helped me a lot to understand about Selenium and the other tools that can be used with it. Most of the people think that learning selenium is very tough but by going through these tutorials it will be very easy to learn and understand. I would like to recommend these tutorials for new comers who wants to learn selenium and wants to become experts in Selenium. Thank you for sharing these valuable video tutorials and keep up the good work !!!

  89. These videos are very good for anyone who wants to learn selenium.

    Searched a lot for some free selenium videos and I found these are very easy to understand.

    Thanks for sharing ur knowledge to others.

  90. Pretty awesome videos and I have suggested some of my friends who are beginner in Selenium.

  91. Pretty Good videos, I liked the one with page factory and page objects. I have recommended to lot of my other friends as well. Keep it up good work!!! Very Good Job.


  92. Thanks for your wonderful videos. I have paid a hefty fee for selenium videos in a website that too for a month. These videos are made completely real time and available at any time .

  93. Awesome videos, can't believe how much effort and quality provided in free tutorials. I tried other tutorials but I was still so confused on so many points. Found these tutorials and the fog disappeared.

    Great job and thanks for sharing.

  94. One of the most complete selenium tutorial available. It was very helpful to me. Thanks alot for all the work u have put in.
    Well appreciated! Thanks for sharing the knowledge !!

  95. Web automation is the in thing and when I decided to learn selenium I was clueless on where to start. Thanks to ur site. It has helped me a lot

  96. Thanks a lot for sharing knowledge on selenium.its is very useful for the newbies.I have gone through all the videos and found it very useful.Thanks all for your hard work.

  97. Thanks Tarun for sharing the knowledge with us. The topics covered in he sessions are very useful. Looking forward to see new sessions in near future.

  98. Excellent tutorials making easy to learn automation framework designing.It really helps in designing a generic framework for the selenium tester.

  99. Very nice collection of videos to get in defth knowledge on selenium.

    I also refered this site to many of my friend and they are also thankfull to this free selenium tutorial set.

  100. There are many sources to learn Selenium..But here is the best source to learn Selenium Quickly and Effectively etc which is not a bookish/theoretical ..but Practical oriented.
    Open Learning of Open source tool.. I don't keep this knowledge with me only I will share with my friends and I will share this site too..
    Thanks a lott..

  101. First thing I like about this site its totally free...its very good and you are helping others and that too free...its very difficult to find everything systematically about selenium on web ...Keep uploading videos ..Please upload videos related to web service part of selenium also...I will definitely recommend this site to my friends also...this is the true example of sharing knowledge and that too free...

  102. I appretiate your efforts, I started learning Selenium 6 months back and was looking for some good framework tutorial, found it very relevant and helpful. Super video and voice quality and explanation. True to way to share knowledge and explore the things much more. Please upload any webservice testing tutorial as well.
    Thanks a lotttt..

  103. I really appretiate your efforts, i have never seen like this on internet that people are sharing their knowledge to other and making other people knowledgeable for free. I like to tell that kindly continue this effort as this will encourage other people to share their knowledge. I found the selenium tutorial very helpful as i dont know j of java but i am able to learn from it . But now i am able to able to automate application with selenium.
    Please upload java tutorial also as it will help people who doesnot know programming language.
    Hatsoff to your effort

  104. I love the way you serving the QA community.I have covered all videos created by you through your youtube channel.Now i consider myself good in selenium automation and all credit goes to you.Excellent tutorial.
    Very much appreciated .

  105. This video tutorial is one of the best i have seen so far in the past 6 years. This guy is to the point, always completes on time and the examples are very good and easy to understand no matter at what level. He also answers all questions that people ask him during his class. He never looses his cool, yet handles silly questions very well. This guy is also down to earth personally I feel.
    Selenium HQ should also use his tutorials for their website.

  106. This tutorial is very well done and segmented appropriately. I felt that I was well versed in Selenium and Java before watching these and these tutorials showed me things I hadn't thought of previously. I am hoping to use the tutorial as an aid in training staff on the usage of WebDriver and I think this will become a valuable resource to them. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to produce these videos especially keeping in the spirit of open source and providing them free of charge. Thank you for your work.

  107. Tarun to be honest a great initiative, I have tried to search for sites like this to learn selenium but unfortunately cudnt find however i must say that i wish that more people should join this forum and share their knowledge over various Automation aspects.I also wanted to say that i am currently in learning phase with selenium hope that once done or once having earned expertise in it if i can join into such initiative to create more success stories.Tarun u have been a someone who had thrown a lot of light to help people like me to walk with selenium . Please keep the great work going.
    May god bless.

  108. The sites is an AMAZING SERVICE for those who are new to selenium. This videos allows me to create real tests and do continuous integration deployments. I highly recommend these video tutorials by Tarun. Simple, Complete informations from scratch and It's Totally Free. Thanks Tarun for spending valuable time on this.

  109. This is very helpful site for the one who want to learn automation testing. I really appreciate Tarun for his tremendous help and work. Videos cover the tutorials from the basic level for better understanding. Thanks Tarun for your valuable efforts :)

  110. This video tutorial is very well document. It starts from basics of selenium and covers all the important topics. Thanks a lot for sharing it.Please keep sharing and help us in learning.

  111. We needed something simple and easy to learn at our office to start learning Selenium. Then, we found this. Wow! It was more than we expected; clear explanation, simple, straight forward. All we want to use is in those videos; Selenium, Java, Maven, TestNG. This is a very starting point to whoever want to learn automation testing, no matter the plateform. Thanks again for this work; it is more than appreciated.

  112. This is really a great initiative which you have taken and I must say the videos you have put up are really very good and informative. At first i couldn't believe all your videos were actually free to watch unlike some wherein only a part of the video was allowed to play for free and for the remaining part the user had to pay to watch. All in all i really thank you for your great efforts and I am really finding it very interesting in learning selenium. Thank you once again

  113. The videos are very informative and explained the topics very clearly. Started with basics of selenium and moved forward to Advanced level very nicely and Also i have seen many other sites which talks about Basics and for advance level need to buy the videos. Well appriciated, Greate job Tarun!!!

  114. Hi Tarun
    I watched your video on Element locators and Selenium and it is very informative.Hope to watch all the videos you have on Selenium by end of this week.Thanks a lot for sharing your expertise and knowledge and i am pretty sure it is helping lot of folks like me and the best part is it is FREE and that my friend says a lot about who you are.God bless and keep it up.

    Thanks again

  115. Hi Tarun,

    First of all appreciate your efforts...!!! Nice tutorial on Selenium Automation. Good for both beginners and experienced professionals. Selenium concepts are explained very clearly. Videos related to element locators, Webdriver, POM etc are really awesome.


  116. Hi
    I am truly impressed and appreciate for the great effort you guys put in. Very useful tutorial here with clear explanation and videos to help us to get a better understanding of Selenium. For a newbie like me, I really found this interesting and awesome. Hope you guys can keep this up and come out with more and more helpful tips and video and etc for people who need this

  117. Hi,
    I really appreciate your effort and hard-work . Its a very useful tutorial for beginners .Its the best site to learn selenium from scratch and to get an idea of framework structure. Hope you keeps us posting on your new videos.Keep up the good work:)

  118. Hi,

    Thanks for your videos on selenium training. They are very informative and have content beyond the basics that is demonstrated in a very clear and concise manner. I found the video on Jenkins integration particularly enjoyable and indeed useful. I have worked with selenium for some time now but still learned a lot from your videos. I plan to have a look at your API videos next as I am confident they will be every bit as good as the selenium ones.

  119. I am very impressed with the quality of these videos on selenium. I have worked with Selenium for some time but I still learned a lot from your videos. I particularly enjoyed the video on selenium integration with Jenkins. I plan to have a look at the API testing videos next as I am sure that they will be of the same high quality. I live in Ireland and there is very little training available so it is a resource that is very valuable to me.

  120. This is an incredible effort. Offering free courses with such effort is a great contribution to the learning community and people who are looking forward to upgrade their knowledge in the industry. This is indeed a commendable task.I am hoping to learn further from this website as I look into the videos. Thumbs up for your great work. Cheers! (Y)

  121. Actually I am new to selenium..After watching thees videos,i felt those are very much usefull to me.As i would like to implement the selenium in my project.The information provide by you was really awesome.The effort that you put to prepare these videos were really very much appreciable.Thanks a lot for giving such a wonderful knowledge on selenuim.

  122. this is a very good tutorial for beginners as well as for experience. i watched all the training video it's awesome.
    i would like to say everyone who want to learn selenium
    please atleast go once with this tutorial. In this tutorial you
    will find all the topic like page factory, data driven , TestNG,
    different types locator etc.

  123. This tutorial is very well done and segmented appropriately. I felt that I was well versed in Selenium and Java before watching these and these tutorials showed me things I hadn't thought of previously. I am hoping to use the tutorial as an aid in training staff on the usage of WebDriver and I think this will become a valuable resource to them. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to produce these videos especially keeping in the spirit of open source and providing them free of charge. Thank you for your work.

  124. Hi Tarun,

    I have been referring your videos from past couple of months and it has been very easy learning from your tutorial videos when compared to other sites. I have been practicing xpath and css, and its different methods or ways to identify an element. These videos is really helpful and since it is free, there are no strings attached to it.
    I am practicing the third video as of now.I practiced how to locate elements on console, practiced webdriver scripts, TestNG framework and parallel tests. I am really CONFIDENT now.
    Looking forward for upcoming videos.

    Sony J.

  125. Hi Tarun,
    Appreciate your effort.Your tutorials are great ...especially...beginners like me. I videos are really informative.The explanations given here are very clear and precise.This is the kind of tutorial that i was looking for. And the best part is that it is FREE.Thanks for sharing your knowledge.Keep up the GOOD work!!!!

  126. Hi Tarun,

    I have been referring your videos from past few weeks, videos are very good and informative now I am very confident enough to attend interviews please keep pose more videos which are useful in real time scenario. I appreciate your effort and hard work and all the best for your blog.

    Nagesh Tatari

  127. I started self learning selenium few months ago, I gone through lots of videos which are available in youtube, but your video are really good and easy to understand. Thank you so much Tarun

  128. Hi Tarun
    This is the only place where I saw an excellent videos for Selenium Automation,i learnt these things from these videos
    1.Element Locators
    4.Selenium WebDriver test cases parallel execution.
    Graeat Thanks to your wonderful effort for FreeSelenium Training Tutorials.


  129. Hi Tarun,

    This is the great place for learning a Selenium for beginners. Quality of video and teaching is excellent. I was learning selenium from other sites also, it was also helpful...But after watching your videos , i am confident enough that i can do automation using selenium on my own.
    Specially video for element locator is very helpful.
    I am doing practice by looking at the third video. Really impressed with your hardwork and teaching skills..All the best for your future blogs.


  130. Hi Tarun,

    As i find you tutorials and blogs are the best for a beginners to learn selenium free of cost. I really appreciate your efforts. The videos tutorials. I requested to place upload some more sample codes and sample project of different domain to easy understanding for beginners to learn selenium. There are different framework available in selenium. Please explain it with codes and examples in next videos

  131. After big search and roaming around I found the destination and hence the result. Thanks Tarun for sharing these Selenium videos that all I can say.

    Really these videos have helped me in achieving the current level of my carrier ladder.

    Tarun, you've very nice teaching skill, your way of explanation with practical scenario is too good.

  132. I have been searching information about selenium to learn on my own. After having certain level of experience and proper mind set we can learn the things on our own, I haven’t seen such a wonderful site like this which encourage individuals to learn in a wise and effective manner. I have gone through the website and I can’t stop myself from saying GOOD JOB and THANK YOU.

  133. First for all, Tarun, thanks a lot!!! These Selenium videos are so great!!! I am learning on my own, and it was so hard to understand some stuff - but your lessons helped me to clarify a lot of things. Also i gained a lot of new additional knowledge. And this all - for FREE!!! So now i recommend to all my friends your videos and blog. There are so many practical tips and tricks that are revealed at your tutorials. So, for now, i became confident and start to automate on my own. Hope that you will continue your work and in nearest future we will have possibility to watch more tutorials.

  134. Would like to thank Tarun for the effort that he has put in to make and share the videos, they have been a great help. Wish I had seen this before I had joined one of those Selenium classes in the training centers across the city which are like crash courses for which you are charged steep amounts of money. Your tutorials are great for a self learner and is free like it is supposed to be.

  135. Great set of videos to learn selenium. I joined selenium course by a popular center in India and learnt nothing from them. You have put great efforts in making these videos and that too free. I feel pretty confident in selenium after going through your videos.

  136. Hi Tarun,
    first i would like to tell you thanks from my side and all those people who are learning selenium through this web site.this is really awsome site.this video tutorial is really well covers all the topics from basic to high leave.Please keep sharing and help us to make aware in selenium.



  137. Thanks and praises for your work would be an understatement really Tarun,
    In all seriousreally admirable your work mate!!
    wish I could contribute to your work somehow.
    keep up the good work Samaritan!!

  138. Hi author,
    Done, your work is really good and I really must say from my bottom of my heart that you have done a GREAT WORK for our society.
    All the videos here are of high quality. If anyone starts to work in real projects please post here your queries and suggestions so that everyone can get educated. Once again author you have done a great work. Please keep sharing and post your comments.

  139. Thanks and praises for your work would be an understatement really,
    I'd like to thank you for your admirable work, really would love you contribute to your work....hopefully tons of practice
    keep up the good work Mate

  140. I have heard a lot about Selenium and was keen to learn it since then. I have been looking around for some information on youtube and to be honest the best videos i have found was from Tarun Kumar. Very clear explanation of the selenium features. Appreciate your efforts and hard work to help the software testing world. - Zankar Patel

  141. Hi before looking at this videos , i have been searching a lot for collecting information regarding selenium . This videos serves the whole package for knowledge transfers . This is a GREAT JOB. I can not stop myself from saying ThankYou

  142. It was Incredible for me when i have first time seen your selenium tutorial, which happened to me when I was browsing for a particular topic over web and got to end up my search at your tutorials point. Thanks alot Tarun for your keen explanation in depth regarding the topics.

  143. Great job by great person . I am a manual tester thinking of learning automated testing will help me a lot . This video serves me a lot in fulfilling my motive . Your video is indeed a self learning tutorials . If we say Thank you in tons , it will still be less for your contributions . Thanks to your patience for giving you strength to do such a great job . Surely I will use your knowledge in automating my regression testing ....THANK YOU

  144. Very educational tutorial......I am a beginner in web driver and was wondering for proper guidance to advance my skill and no doubt these tutorial solves the purpose.Way of teaching of the trainer is very good. Most important, this tutorial only contains what is used in web driver implementation no addons to waste time on......really hats off for the trainer.

  145. good Job Tarun... really appreciate it.. the tutorial are precise and exactly what i was looking for. the fact that all the tutorials are on single page makes it very convienent and made it look more professional.. i will encourage more of my colleagues and co workers to go through these tutorials. I appreciate the efforts that have gone into organizing it and articulating big thank you ..

  146. great job by great person...the tutorials are precise and exactly what I need. tutorials are very convenient, handy . The video serves a lot of knowledge . I will encourage more of my colleagues and friends to go through these tutorials. I appreciate your efforts that have gone in organizing and articulating these. I liked web-driver explanation. really hats of to the trainer.very educational tutorial.

  147. This is very helpful site for the one who want to learn a automation testing.I haven't seen such a wonderful site like this which encourage individuals to learn in a wise and effective manner.

    I was learning the selenium webdrive through online and I find the this forum, this video is very informative and useful. I learned a lot from your video.

    Thanks author you have done a great work.

  148. I watched these training videos which are really upto the point. The courses were amazing and the ability to take them remotely allowed me to take all three development courses pretty much back to back. Furthermore, they helped me to not only assume but also excel at the Selenium webdriver test Development position within our organization when our only in-house developer left to pursue other opportunities. I had to step in and fill the void as best I could. This transition would have been rockier had the video training not been available.

  149. Hi Tarun, Very Nicly explained and informative videos. first of all I feel totally with you on sharing the knowledge free to the masses. it not only a good start but a giving great understanding of the Selenium . and as all of it is free it really helps people from hefty unwanted fee of selenium courses. Great job done indeed!

  150. Hi Tarun, Its have been wonderful work that you have made to share you knowledge at free of cost. This video is very informative and useful for people starting or moving toward automation... Thanks for you support..

  151. Hi,
    First of all Thanks a lot for you..These tutorials are very helpful who are seeking for learning the Selenium, Webdriver, TestNG, Java and Frameworks etc ....Not only Selenium, we can also learn Manual testing...It's a great effort..I have referred many videos for selenium but finally I've found that these tutorials are the best among all...
    Thanks you so much

  152. Hi,
    Thanks for the free videos. Videos are really nice and informative. your effort and hard work is really appreciable.i have referred many sites but i found this one very impressive and best among all. For the beginners it is good to start with. Never seen someone sharing their knowledge for free on internet. Great job and good luck to you!!!!

  153. Thanks for such informative videos. I was looking for some good stuff on selenium for quite a while and i found yours, it is indeed one of the best selenium tutorials i found online, they are good for experienced as well beginners in Selenium.Though i have experience in Automation but i am new to Selenium, your tutorials helped me a lot in gaining knowledge.You have covered all the topics to start with a project on own and examples you have given are very simple and precise which can be easily understood.

    I appreciate your hard work and initiative in making these wonderful tutorials and sharing it to all.

  154. Thank you so much for putting such wonderful training on selenium for free. I like the way you covered the topics, which is one of best training videos which I have seen till now. And looking forward for your new training topics and i really appreciate in keeping these training for free.
    Also I would like to be part of all your new trainings.

    Thanks once again for creating very good training videos.

  155. This site occupied first in my favorites and home page too. I have searched so many sites but did not find such a detailed and step by step explanation about software testing. I attended some training sessions and online classes also which are no use comparative with these practices and exercises mentioned in this site. Its very neatly divided into groups like Manual / selenium / performance etc.

    Coming to Selenium, I liked the way training topics divided. Even in paid classed you wont find this type of classification. Defintely this is a great work.

    I have started sharing this link to all my friends to start learning on testing and automation.

  156. Since couple of days I have been searching for selenium information on the website. Finally I found this website and I think it is one stop for selenium and it is covering basic and advance of selenium, Basic Java and most of the framework. I hope by going through all this video one can easily perform the selenium project easily and the person who took this much great effort is eligible for for appreciation and also sharing information with others hats off to you. I'm hoping people also agree what I said to this site and tutorials. I'm looking forward for more videos from this author which helps me to perform my job easily.

  157. The videos shared on the site are verymuch useful for learning selenium tool covering most of the concepts. The author explained the concepts in a brief way and it is very easy to understand. I appreciate the good effort to share his knowledge with others who are in need of. Keep posting videos like this. The other people will also gets benefited because of this.

  158. For last few days i am searching for good training material on selenium which teaches from basics and finally i found this site. Videos here provide realtime training and I am in currently learning phase hoping to use the tutorial as an aid to mentoring on selenium.I appreciate your effort to produce these high quality videos for free of charge.

  159. This site is really good for Learners to Experienced professionals. Basically the videos are clear, precise and cover from basics of Java to Developing selenium automation framework. I appreciate the good effort taken by Tarun, to share his knowledge with others who are looking to get good knowledge in Selenium. Please keep posting videos on using developing framework using BDD Framework like JBehave.

  160. It’s really an amazing work that you have done towards the automation. Actually I started learning selenium from your tutorials only. The tutorials are very clear to understand. I appreciate your efforts on providing these video on free. Hope we will see more videos and started sharing the videos who stepping into the automation.

  161. I was already experimenting with selenium, writing tests with Junit framework when I came across this website. This tutorial helped me gain insights into testNG framework and writing maintainable and efficient code. Now I have completely switched to TestNG and have even build a custom reporting mechanism! I really appreciate the way the tutorial is paced. It starts from writing simple selenium tests with a general structure to converting the code to a more structured framework. The difference between writing tests with and without a framework is clearly understood because of this. Videos on Maven and Jenkins are a plus to all those who wish to take complete ownership of the testing process, starting from design-coding to execution

  162. Great videos for anyone interested in Selenium, including IDE, Webdriver, TestNG, Java.
    There are many trainings available on the internet but hardly anyone provides so much of material for free.
    Thank you for the great work and please continue to add more training material.
    All the best for all your future efforts.

  163. Hi Tarun,

    I was looking for some video tutorials for Selenium but in full which I didnt find on you tube. There are so many videos on you tube which give you brief/ detail information but they are still incomplete videos. Also most of the websites are charging for the videos, and your is free. Videos are very good and your teaching technique is really awesome. Thanks again for sharing such a wonderful knowledge in your videos.

  164. I am new to selenium and testing frame work....
    I really appreciate ur hard work and commitment in bringing up this work...
    your training style is really awesome and upto the point which makes user to understand quickly.

  165. The videos are very good. I appreciate your hard work while making the videos.The videos covering Page Object Pattern, Maven, Jenkins proved to be really useful in my project. Also other concepts like soft assertion is very informative. Hope in future will get more videos on other adavnced topics in Selenium

  166. i am learning selenium on my own and after watching your video tutorial. i can say that this the best site i come across for selenium tutorials.tutorials are well documented and informative.there are many online sites but they will charge you and yours is free.Thanks for creating such a wonderful tutorial and sharing with us all.

  167. I’m appreciative of this free Selenium and Java training. I have looked into other online Selenium training before but I find that this one here is nicely put together. This training at is relatively concise, intelligently organized and it has helped me to get a much better grasp of Selenium and the Java in a shorter amount of time. This will certainly help me add automated testing to my SQA Engineer role.

  168. I immensely liked the topic selected for Selenium training. The presentation and quality of the videos are excellent.Your contribution to the space of Automation testing is much appreciated. Many in the industry are reluctant to share their knowledge,however you are an exception.

    Thanks a ton ...hope to learn more from you.

  169. Thanks a ton for the free videos.It is a wonderful thought to share these videos.Trust me there will be many people who will be helpful with this high quality videos.I am very impressed with your contribution for creating this awesome videos for selenium.Great work done!!!

  170. I was looking on the internet some more complete material on selenium then found that this material is simply the best material I have ever found on the internet about selenium.

    These videos are the easiest way to follow and understand. Thanks for posting these videos, and share your knowledge.

  171. Hi! I'm not an experience tester but for the past days I'm studying about automated testing. These videos are very good, and after watching them I clearly understood what is and how to use Selenium, Webdriver, etc.
    Thanks a lot for provide these videos for everyone without any cost!

  172. I started automation career with QTP, later on moved to Selenium. I was struggling to find resources on Selenium. I found your videos with detailed explanation & it helped me to learn Selenium quickly. I have been a regular visitor of this site and can say it is improving day by day. I really appreciate your effort for preparing, sharing Selenium video & replying to queries of Selenium learner.

  173. Hi, Thanks for your effort in bringing the best.
    This is a very good effort, and the videos are very helpful for a beginner like me. I can follow easily.
    Most of the websites are charging, and in this era of fast pace, it is required to contribute community in order to make ourselves rich in terms of knowledge, and work.

    I hope to see more, and if possible i would love to talk.

  174. Any one can learn selenium with these videos. They start from basics to advance concepts. You don't need to take any paid trainings to learn Selenium. These videos are far more better and teaches you the concepts you need to work in real production environment. Thanks for creating such wonderful collections of videos.

  175. I was searching for good selenium training videos and training material. I spent in short wasted so much time in so called training videos which were more of advertisements for paid training and missed the important part which actually I wanted to learn. I think, on this web page I can hault for some time now. I found good and up to the mark material on few of the topics which I was searching since long. Thank you for sharing

  176. These are one of the best youtube videos available on Selenium training. Tarun has covered all the major and important aspects of selenium from Elements locating, Selenium IDE, Web driver, Page Objects, Maven, TestNG, Jerkins & Java for Selenium. I would & have recommended these trainings to all my friends who are interested in learning Selenium. Good Job Tarun on the content & the tutorials...

  177. Every video tutorial have abundant information Thanks for sharing your knowledge on TestNG and Selenium webdriver. It is a eye opener for lot of new learners. Please keep up the good work to the QA automation community. First time learning about the test TESTNG - xml suite Framework. I am very happy and grateful to travel and improve my knowledge with your free video tutorials.Can you concentrate on Robotium too?

  178. Thank You Tarun for the great videos...In this time when most of them have commercialized this into a money making business you have shared your knowledge for free which is highly appreciable..Great videos to learn selenium.I had previously taken paid online training for selenium and in the process learned not nothing...Keep up your good work, highly appreciate it !!

  179. I highly appreciate your effort and hard work for providing selenium knowledge at free of cost. I have visited many sites for Selenium courses, but what i found was the videos are either not complete or not that knowledge providing. I have seen open source tools but no open source sharing of knowledge, which is provided by you.

    Thank you so much for your great work!!!!!!

  180. Hi , This is really nice source to learn Selenium that too for beginner. After searching lot on Internet I found such a great source on selenium Documentation Website.
    I would really appreciate your hard work for gathering and providing videos on selenium with others and looking forward for more videos which will help others to get knowledge on Selenium.

    Once again thanks a lot for videos.

  181. A very Nice Series of Selenium Tutorial. Appreciate all your efforts and contribution to people all across.
    The Series of tutorial is really helpful for all the newbies to automation- Selenium Testing.
    To all who are looking for good Selenium Training - "Stop Searching in Google and Youtube. First go through these videos"
    Thanks a Lot to "SeleniumTest" Team

  182. Hi,
    The videos are really helpful to understand the Selenium from basics. They are a perfect guide to start with the Selenium and building concepts upon it.
    I thanks for your hard work you put in and the effort you put in for these videos.
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  183. Hi all,
    I have just started my career in testing.As i don't like reading books,So I was searching a video course on
    selenium.After watching 2 videos I have found it very interesting and I have already recommended it to my friends who were also
    learning selenium.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge in these videos.

  184. This is a great source of information for anyone who wants to know Selenium . Please go through all the videos and I am sure this is going to help a lot . Thanks a lot for sharing the knowledge with everyone for free . The entire set of videos is highly recommended for any wants who would like to learn the tool .

  185. Hi All,
    Thanks for sharing these videos, i am dealing with a job here testing for validation and these video really help me to understand quickly what selenium and see what i can do with selenium. The entire videos are so good and i recommend any one to watch them.
    Thanks for sharing you knowledge.

  186. Great job.. very informative and precise training session. I am in need to create a automation framework for a project where is there are lot of end users, browsers/platform to be supported .. Though I had basic knowledge of selenium, I was not able to put in place and create framewrk .. watching training videos is helping me a lot in creating a framework step by ste-

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge and sessions

  187. Very Informative videos, helpful for beginners as well as for experienced. Great work, I really appreciate all your efforts to bring this to the public in such a simple and good way. And that too without any charge all free :)
    I am very much thankful to you for sharing your knowledge. Hope for more good videos in the future.Keep up the gr8 work you are doing.
    Thanks a lot once again.

  188. After lot of search now it feels like my search end here ..Big kudos to your work mate ...Excellent and informative sessions..Without any prior knowledge I started and now I am have confidence to begin with selenium and hope very soon with your sessions I can add to my knowledge base.

    Thanks a lot!!

  189. Really, I searched a lot for the Selenium training online, but everyone were demanding for the huge money. My search ends with this website and its really presented well. I hope I will be a Selenium expert by the end of all the session :-)

    Great Work and thanks for sharing

  190. I heard about selenium and want to get trained, up on searching internet found this website

    Am very happy to find this site and the tutorials and videos are great and very well explained to the detail,I really appreciate author's work in helping testing people like me to have update on the tools like selenium

    All the very best keep up your great work going

  191. I am quite new to automation world and would like to start by learning selenium and associated technologies. Was searching online when I came across this useful site which guarantees free training on Selenium using simple and lucid material. I am really excited to begin using this means of learning Selenium to build my automation skills.

  192. These training video's are very informative. It was very useful for my carrier growth. For beginner's it a good place to start and for experienced people's also can gain more knowledge. Keep up the good work!.
    All the Best...

  193. I feel the material is good and you have been very generous in spending time to write and make this video. I wish you success and really like your helping nature. Also the training institutes are not the good option always. Thanks

  194. Using these materials, I am clear my concept on Selenium and automated testing. All the video's are very helpful for me to developed my concept and how easily, I work on automation testing. I am creating my College project on selenium and eclipse. Very-very thanks for providing these docus

  195. All the videos are really wonderful and I learned a lot about Selenium. It is very rare to see people like you who wanted to help others. I really appreciate you for all the effort you put in. I would say this is the best website for anyone who wanted to learn all about selenium. I have shared your website with many of friends. Keep up the good work my friend.

  196. These training videos are really helpful. I have learned selenium in some institute, but later came to know that they covered only 10% of selenium. After watching these videos i realized that these concepts are the actual thing need to cover to learn selenium. Thanks a lot for the great effort by giving these videos for free.


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Note: If you are new to java and selenium then start with selenium java training videos .     We often come across situation when there are multiple elements on a page and we probably like to exercise only a few of them using selenium webdriver. May be just first and last element. For example on a search result page we may like to click on only first and last link and not all. This is when Iterables API comes handy. (By the way I am assuming that you have already completed watching selenium training videos :)). Once we have collection of web element then we can use Iterables to get only first or last element as following - Consider that we fetch collection of element as - List< WebElement > webElements = getDriver().findElements(By. id ( "htmlID" ));   Now we can get the first web element from this collection as -  WebElement firstElement = Iterables. getFirst (webElements,  getDriver().findElement(By. id ( "defaultElement" )));   Herein second

Using chrome console to test xPath and css selectors

Note: If you are new to java and selenium then start with selenium java training videos .       Since the advent of selenium there have been many plugin to test xPath / css selectors but you don’t need any of them if you have chrome browser. Using Chrome console you can test both xPath and css selectors. Launch website to be tested in chrome browser and hit F-12 and you would see chrome console opened in lower pane of application - Hit escape key and console would open another pane to write element locators - And now you can start writing xPath or css selectors in chrome console and test them - The syntax for writing css id - $$(“ ”) And hit the enter key. If your expression is right then html snippet of the application element corresponding to the css selector would be displayed - If you mouse over the html snippet in chrome console then it would highlight the corresponding element in application - If you want to clean console of previously wri