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Showing posts from June, 2010

Defect in Word 2007

This is my first post for tag "Universal Defects", though I had other similar posts but I never tagged them (must do that now). Well I have been using word 2007 on my Dell Studio 15 lap top.Under "Mailings" tab there is an option called ''Select Recipients". Click on this and select option "Select from Outlook Contact ", and I see the following error - and this is the error - I don't have look configured on my laptop. Microsoft, are u listening!!!!!!!!!!!

That's not test automation framework!!!

I have been flabbergasted by the amount of misinformation test automation engineers have. Many of my colleagues use QTP or Test Complete and believe that they have developed a test automation framework. Using a tool or creating directory structure for test automation is not equivalent to creation of test automation framework, in fact not at all. Moreover Indian software industry is so fascinated with word "framework" that this question keeps popping - "Did u design any framework", I wonder if every software test project needs a customized framework, and if so then I am not that so expert that keep designing framework for each and every project!!!

Review of Selenium Book

Not long time ago when I participated in Selenium Documentation and contributed for Selenium Remote Control. I have got one more offer to review an upcoming Selenium book by David Burn. I have never interacted David in person but looks to me he is as passionate about Selenium as I am. I had never imagined that I would get opportunities to review a book in my life, any ways. So far I have reviewed 3 chapters. I must accept that during review I came across Selenium facts which I my self was not aware and I must thank David for this. I hope the book gets finished soon and made available to Open Source community.

Generating Dates in java

This is a small posts which helps in generating custom dates in java. It would be helpful in data generation in Selenium. package com.core; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class DateClass { private static String currentDate; private static String futureDate; public static void main(String[] args) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy hh:mm"); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); currentDate = sdf.format(cal.getTime()); // Current date System.out.println(cal.getTime()); // Formatted current date System.out.println("Formatted Date is: " +currentDate); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); futureDate = sdf.format(cal.getTime()); // Formatted future Date System.out.println("Future Date is: " +futureDate); } }

Why I quit Figurine fitness

I had it on my mind from long though never penned it. This post is dedicated to all those work out freaks that are befooled by their trainer in to buying costly food supplement specifically at higher price then what is available in market. In this post I am not being critical of gym but I question all those trainers who forget their profession and mint money by fooling their clients. Same happened with me and I have no qualms accepting it, I am rather glad that I realized it and moved out from gym. It started in month of Jan 2009 when I joined Figurine fitness located in Jaynagar (as I said earlier I have nothing against gym in fact they have some of the most proficient and hard working trainers I have seen, but it’s because of my trainer I developed antipathy against gym!). Inception of gymming was great. I was allocated a trainer who would teach me when to do what. After a couple of weeks my trainer asked me to start taking supplements as I needed extra protein to build up mus...