We all are aware of externalizing test data from test scripts in test automation. We often stumble upon using excel as test data file, and I have seen crude ways of handling excel. i.e. - Creating Excel Application object Opening work book and fetching data Disadvantages of this approach are detailed on Microsoft website here - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/278973/EN-US/ In a gist following above mentioned approach would be process heavy and would make script execution (especially in case of long running test suites) slow Another crude way is to use sheet-name (which is still acceptable), Row and Column number (i.e. - (2, 5)), Row and Column range (B5, B10). Using row and column identifier is fragile as insertion of new data set in excel would break existing test scripts. A better approach to overcome these is to use ExcelADO along with name of Range in Excel. ExcelADO overcomes process over head and using Range to overcome fragility over Row and Column Range . In excel a...