Disclaimer: Objective of this post is to demonstrate how I use Selenium to do soft assertion over collection of element. I don't assert in any way that this is right approach and you are most welcome to prove me wrong. So you want to verify collection of elements on you web page. And I assume that you want tests to continue to execute even in the wake of error with some elements. For example you want to test whether text labels for - 'username', 'password' appear on web page. (Though you may like to stop the test execution if 'username', 'password' elements them selves are not there) The worse approach I could think of is to write all assertions in one test, something like - public void testElements() { Assert.assertTrue(selenium.isElementPresent("UserNameTextLabel"), "Username Text label is not available on page"); Assert.assertTrue(selenium.isElementPresent("PasswordTextLabel"), "Password Text label is not...