You may have come across file upload use case when working with WebDriver. File upload is quite easy since it is same as typing in a text box but herein we need to pass path of file to be uploaded. I used to keep a static file in src/test/resources folder of maven project and would use it for upload operation. But you can also generate file during run time using java.nio.file.Files class. Files class has createTempFile(java.lang. String, java.lang.String, java.nio.file.attribute. FileAttribute...) method which can be used to generate temporary files. For ex, you can generate a temporary pdf file and get back the File object as following - File file = Files. createTempFile ( "test-" + accountNumber, ".pdf" ).toFile(); generatePDF (file, StringUtils. repeat ( "Dummy PDF" , 10 )); And this is how generatePDF looks - public static File generatePDF(File file, String content) { try { Document e = new Document(); ...