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Showing posts from July, 2010

Test Automation Recovery Scenarios: how much recovery

This article is not specific to QTP but elaborates a more general problem with functional test automation. I caught the fancy of recovery scenarios when came across such feature in QTP. QTP's motive is to recover from problems of unexpected pop up windows (though concept itself is contradictory and requires you to know object properties of unknown window in advance!) .Though soon realized that it is more of marketing gimmick than of being of much importance to automation it self. Some thing which always puzzled me was how much of such scenarios to use. While under going In house QTP training we were told to even check presence of objects before exercising them. This is to make sure that QTP does not throw any pop up error during test case execution. (at least this is what we were told during training). Later I realized that using QTP properties could be to order QTP do what is intended (though in a limited manner). This idea of checking every object before test freaked me out. I ...

"Loading......." the contents

Came across a testing blog yesterday and started browsing all past blogs of it using calendar. Look like my network is slow and I got to see "Loading...." message after clicking on calendar link. I collapsed the link and clicked on calendar again and got to see "Loading....... Loading.......". Each collapse and expansion of calendar increases the message "Loading......."  by count one. After a few clicks After a few more clicks

So why did you write "this" certificate?

This is going to be an eternal post which I would modify as and when I find new reasons for writing certificates. Though I personally don't admire certificates but happened to write one (QC 9.2) on my own. This happened last year when I was told about a project which needed experience on QC and client had asked have QC certified resource working on it. Well exam was really easy and I happen to clear it. Irony is project never materialized and I never got to work on QC. Happened to mention about certification on my resume and under the influence of this group removed it. Of late I have been interviewing testing candidates and a few of them have certification batch with them. And we all know most famous certification batch in market is ISTQB (I must appreciate their marketing for sure and hope they contribute a share of their earnings to some open source testing projects. Though I am not very hopeful of this.). I am listing here the responses I receive from the candidates - O...

So how do you Strategize it?

Happened to read Pradeep's blog today and got enthusiastic to write a blog. Found there is a intricate situation for me to blog about, and almost all of us would have faced it some time. Of late I was called by one of the engagement manager to help one tester (the lone warrior and new joinee to organization) in project to help him on test strategy. Had a meeting in the after noon with project team and got to know that team has least information on project (assignment had begun a week ago). Project is a migration task from one java technology to other and testing activities would involve function testing (with no definition of scope) followed by performance testing. Team is bewildered as they have least information about project whereabouts and the tester has no idea on how he would carry out functional and performance testing. On top of this the very first deliverable for the project is test strategy document. So our warrior has been asked to come up with test strategy. And he...

Hacking Website from Google

If u have not yet seen this! Google labs is offering a sample application with security vulnerabilities. I have just started browsing through and its very interesting. More interesting for some one who is new to Security Testing. Website is available here and open to all for hacking with tips and tricks provided by none other than Google itself.