Have you come across use cases when you have create multiple element locators for almost similar element locators? Consider following text box, which gets date filled when user clicks on - expired, today, end of week etc links - This is how page html looks - And the element locators for expired, today etc link could be - "#coupon_expiryAt~a:nth-of-type(1)" "#coupon_expiryAt~a:nth-of-type(2)" There are other possible element locators but each link requires its own element locator. Now considering earlier example, the only difference in element locator is index number 1, 2 etc So what if we could get rid of creating different element locators and pass index number depending on the link we want to interact with? Let’s create base element locator - private static LinkElement getExpiryLinkElement( int index) { return new LinkElement( "Expired Link" , By. cssSelector (St...