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Showing posts from March, 2011

Did you support Selenium Proposal at area51?

There is an effort from SeleniumHQ to migrate selenium user forum from Google Groups to more snazzy and user friendly Stack Exchange . You can find more on this here    So please go ahead and commit to - To do so, you need to login to Stack Exchange site using Google/Yahoo id Now click on Commit button and Fill in a bit of details and yes one more thing is pending yet! You need to confirm your email address only after which your commitment would appear on site.  And do pass it on to other Selenium enthusiasts in your contact list. Since most you have been wondering about advantages of Stackoverflow site over Google Groups, here are the couple of pointers - # As soon as you type in Title for question in Stack Exchange site, it shows related question. This ...

GMail is so Intelligent :-O

No wonder GMail is used by thousand of users despite hypes of GFail . Was to send one mail today with an attachment. Though I mentioned about attachment in the message of body but forgot to attach the file and GMail prompted me about missing attachment. It stated that I am talking about attachment but there is no attachment in mail. Wonder how many such intelligent features are hidden in GMail.

Selenium IDE, Selenium 1.0, Selenium 2.0, Selenium RC, Selenium GRID, Web Driver and what not... Part 2

So we have seen, Selenium IDE, Core and RC in part 1 and its time to know a new booster in the offing for Selenium. By now you would have realized that Selenium greatly suffers from its own implementation design. It uses js to drive a page and suffers from js restriction in a browser. WebDriver originated as different web testing library, which tries to employ best possible solution for a automated tests in a browser. WebDriver for Firefox is implemented as Firefox extension, while for IE it makes use of IE's automation control. When facilities offered by Browser are not enough, WebDriver makes use of Operating System offerings. For example to type in file input box. WebDriver and Selenium are being merged to offer best of both API. They can not be exported to WebDriver overnight. How about the test which are already written in Selenium and WebDriver has solution for this also. WebDriver lets you write new test using WebDriver api, while yet supporting existing Seleniu...

Selenium IDE, Selenium 1.0, Selenium 2.0, Selenium RC, Selenium GRID, Web Driver and what not... Part 1

Here is my take on nebulous terms (well nebulous for newbie) which are used with Selenium. And what might be your best choice when considering to use Selenium for functional test automation of web applications. So your client asks for free functional test automation tool and you stumble upon Selenium and first thing you begin to play with is Selenium IDE , Selenium IDE is not so fancy in comparison to QTP IDE or other Automation tools available in market. But then no Test tool IDE is as good as Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Studio. (But why to mention them here!) And now you have begun to use Selenium IDE in  firefox browser (Yes you can use it ONLY with firefox) , created tests and test suites and have seen your tests running on Firefox. Then comes the impediments. You realize the need to running your tests with more browsers, parametrize your tests, do DB validation using your tests, integrate your test with CI environment and lot more. You could do a many of these using Selenium ...

So what did testing certificate yield me

I was being asked to write CSTE since almost commencement of my career. There was one extremely diligent (and I mean it) manager with my previous employer who would always ask us to write CSTE or some other testing certificate. And I always showed my reluctance towards it. Not because I have any grudge against CSTE (though have extreme grudge against ISTQB) but I have not seen any relation between certificate and testing competency. I have worked with Exceptional testers without certificate Exceptional testers with certificate Unexceptional testers without  certificate Unexceptional testers with certificate I could never drew any conclusion between testing competency and certificate. Back to my manager and I. Soon I confronted a condition. I could get to work on my new assignment only if I wrote QC-9.2, client imposition. I was darn bored of not having association with any project and decided to write this certificate. Those days it was 9.2, must be 10+ now. It was hardly an...

TestNG - DependsOnMethod which returns a value

Came across a bizarre scenario while using TestNG of late. I had test with method with a return type and another method being dependent on it. i.e. - ########################################### public class TestNGTest {         @Test     public Integer returnsSomething() {         return new Integer(0);     }         @Test(dependsOnMethods={"returnsSomething"})     public void dependentMethod() {         System.out.println("Hello World");     } } ########################################### This over simple test does not work and throws exception - ########################################### org.testng.TestNGException: com.core.tests.TestNGTest.dependentMethod() is depending on nonexistent method com.core.tests.TestNGTest.returnsSomething ########################################### And I...

Software Testing - What keeps you engaged or disengaged

So were you always determined to be software tester (tester by choice) or happened to be (tester by chance). And none of this is better than other. Tester by chance might be as skilled at software testing as tester by choice. But the question is what keeps them going, what keeps them engaged in work and some times despite having tested same features time and again. So if you were to list out those pointers what would you say, or better if you had to list what keeps you uninterested (which might be an easy question). So let me list down what might disengage a tester from work - Project is utter crap. None or least (read as none) value is given to testing team, leaving testing aside. Testing team is more interested in blaming each other of not finding a defect than adding any value to team. Your salary is least and you had worst appraisal discussion of your life. So your team members or members in other team are working on test automation. They are using QTP, Selenium and you... we...

Selenium and Capture Network Traffic

Had heard of it but never tried it my self till today, when a colleague asked about selenium being capable of recording http traffic or not. Did a little Google and found that Selenium 1.0 has api - "captureNetweokTraffic" in DefaultSelenium class, and then needed to know how to use it. To be able to capture network traffic one should start selenium instance as - selenium.start("captureNetworkTraffic=true"); and then launch the application usual way. Once you reach a point after which n/w traffic is to be captured then fire following method - selenium.captureNetworkTraffic("xml"); We can pass - "xml", "plain" or "json" as parameter to this method. Since its return type is String, we can assert presence of any specific request on the response received Though had some trouble while using captureNetworkTraffic, At times I would encounter Internal Server Error from selenium. Or then expected response string will not be av...

Familly Ties - Series Review

My hunger for Comic Sitcoms bumped me on Family Ties. It has total of 7 seasons and was aired between 1982 to 1989. I am very impressed with sound track of series, filled with eternal love. More inspiring characters for me in the series is been  Meredith Baxter-Birney as Elyse Keaton who plays role of responsible mother of three (and later four) and working women. Though she rarely loses her temper, but when she does then  Michael Gross as Steven Keaton is with her to console. They two are the ideal couple for many in the series. Then there is  Justine Bateman as Mallory Keaton who is funny in her way of not knowing any thing about money but being hard on shopping.  Michael J. Fox as Alex P. Keaton is most intellectual person in the series, though he is smug about his abilities especially when none of his sister shows any interest in economics. Tina Yothers as Jennifer Keaton is one darling from series and reminds me of Vicky from Sm...