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Showing posts from October, 2011

Using xPath to reach parent of an element

Note: If you are new to java and selenium then start with selenium java training videos .   I prefer css locator over xPath but there are times when css locators don't fit requirement. One such requirement is when you want to navigate to parent element of an element and may be parent of parent and even more. Unfortunately css locators don't provide any mechanism to navigate to parent of an element. See this for more. Of late I came across a scenario when I wanted to click on a link depending upon the text in a text box. Herein parent of text box and parent of link were at the same location. More over there could have been many such combinations in application. Fortunately I just need to pick first such instance and Web Driver any way considers only first instance when multiple locators are found matching an element. Element in question is in following html - Here I need to click on highlighted anchor on the basis of input element (which is also highlight

Google, you display "test" ads on publisher site???

Long live Yahoo!

My work at Yahoo! has come to an end and I must show gratitude to those who made my tenure at Yahoo! most memorable one. On my last day we went for team lunch and I was being asked to give a speech and I did not coz I was not feeling that it was any different day for me. Just seemed like an ordinary day. I wan to begin this post with a name which has disillusioned my cynical attitude towards managers - Padmaja Raghavendra who has been instrumental in having many Yahoo! properties see day of light and I was the fortunate one to have got the opportunity to work with her. She works painstakingly and yet most caring person I met at Yahoo! I wish Indian managers take a cue from her than our IT industry would not be as ill. Jithin and Partha, two most amenable developer I worked with. A few developers just never lose temper and know what is right under a given situation. It seems impossible that any one would ever be at daggers drawn with them. My other team members - Vinit, Anand, Ar

Lollipop of US Visa

There is great charm about on-site (read USA) work in employees of Indian IT service industry. This is also seen as great tactic by your employer to keep you engaged with company and not hop job. You are often offered an on-site trip if you are the project savior and decide to quit. And few of you indeed get to go to client place with great pride. But do you get to go on work visa? By and large answer is NO . And probably you don't even know that you are sent to work on illegal visa, famously known as B1 visa. There is nothing illegal about B1 visa per se but this category of visa allows only business meeting or attending seminars . This is why there is initial cap of 3 months to stay. Once it is stamped by your employer that you would travel on-site, this how whole story goes - You are scheduled for an interview with US consulate. Your HR comes to train you on how you should speak about supposed business trip and not utter a word about work