Why another doc on Appium?
My journey towards learning appium began with great excitement but road was quite bumpy too. Undoubtly http://appium.io/ has tons of information but it is enervating to find exact piece of information one is looking for m-site or app automation. Scanning through appium docs, stack overflow and tons of other online doc, one would be eventually able to find how to launch browser mobile browser on m-site. It took me three days to be able to launch website on chrome browser on android phone. But the struggle was worth it :-) And this was the main motivation behind writing this doc. A step by step description of how Appium could be set up to run tests on mobile site or app on a real mobile device or emulator. So lets begin learning Appium.
- Identify element locators on mobile site
- Executing appium tests on iOS mobile web
- Executing appium tests on iOS mobile app
Appium Video Tutorials
Appium Training Topic
Appium Training Video
Appium and Android Web test run
- Start Appium server - Inspect element - Desired Capabilities
adb > command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator or android device - Install android debug bridge https://www.seleniumtests.com/2015/05/appium-and-android-setup.html - adb devices Execute Android Web test - https://github.com/tarun3kumar/seleniumtests |
Appium and Android mobile app test run
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