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Showing posts from August, 2016

Mobile site element identification on emulator or device

When writing automated test for desktop web application then it is quite easy to identify application elements. Almost all popular browsers have built-in developer tool bar to facilitate the element identification. It is also quite easy to identify element locator for mobile app by appium directly for ios and android apps (or UIautomatorviewer for android apps on Ubuntu). But how do you identify application elements for mobile site? Chrome browser comes for our rescue. Chrome can be used to identify mobile site elements loaded on a mobile device or emulator. Launch chrome:/inspect on the chrome browser and you would see following screen when no device/emulator is configured - Make sure your emulator version is on Android 4.0 or higher. Once I launch the android emulator then it is listed on chrome inspect panel - Launching the browser would display corresponding information on chrome inspect panel - Click the inspect link and it would open bring develope...

Should selenium tests be always independent? The endless debate !!

Though unit tests have always recommended to be independent of each other, advent of selenium+TestNG has given birth to dependent integration/end to end tests. TestNG Author Cédric Beust had written about it few years ago. When I had begun writing selenium tests I used to launch browser once in one test class and test methods were usually dependent on one another. Hence 2nd test method would begin test run on same browser + application state where 1st test method stopped. Launching just one browser for five or more test methods in a class is big time saving is not it? Well not really, for the reasons I am going to describe in this post. Since then I have moved on to launching browser per test method but yet give in “charm” of dependent test methods at times. to So here are the few pros and cons for dependent tests and - Pros - Similar steps of execution don’t have to be repeated in multiple tests when steps constitutes a test method in themselves If login fails then...

JMeter Reporting Dashboard

This is 18th JMeter training video. This section covers JMeter Reporting Dashboard - How to generate JMeter Dashboard Apdex, Jmeter graphs and charts Graph properties JMeter Training video can be watched online. All JMeter Training videos are available can be accessed on JMeter testing tutorial page

Introduction to JMeter 3.0

This is 17th JMeter training video and introduces JMeter 3.0. This section covers - What's new with JMeter 3.0 Validate feature Sample timeout feature Summarizer display 17th JMeter training video is can be watched on You Tube. All JMeter Training videos are available can be accessed on JMeter testing tutorial page