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Showing posts from 2014

Creating your first JMeter Test - 3rd JMeter training tutorial

This is the third video training tutorial for JMeter. You can watch watch all   JMeter training video  sessions online. This session covers -             Record JMeter test using badboy             Import jmx file to JMeter Loop Controller Analyze Sampler recorded from Badboy Rename Sampler Add Response Assertion to mercury Registration sampler Add Listeners - View Results in Tree and Agreegate Report Run test and analyze results             Modify Response Assertion to raise false alarm and run test again JMeter video Training Tutorial can be watched online. If you have any question then please post it in comment section.

JMeter Listeners - 2nd JMeter training Video

This is the second JMeter Training Video. You can watch watch all   JMeter training video  sessions online. This video covers - Graph results listener View Results Tree Assertion Results Aggregate Report CSV Log Format XML Log Format JMeter Training Video can be watched online. If you have any question then please post it in comments section

Introducing JMeter - 1st JMeter Training video

This is the first JMeter training video.  You can watch watch all   JMeter training video  sessions online. This session covers -     Introduction to JMeter     What can you test with JMeter     Download JMeter and start JMeter     Elements of a JMeter test plan -         Test Plan        Thread Group        Sample and Logical Controller                 HTTP Request Sampler                Once only controller, Interleve Controller         Config Elements - CSV Data Set Config, HTTP Request   Default,                              ...

Working with database using JDBC

This is 12th java training video in the series of learning java for selenium webdriver. This session covers - establishing connection  executing select query    executing update query Java training video can be watched on line. If you have any questions then please post it in comment section

File systen and selenium webdriver

This is 11th java training video in the series of learning java for selenium webdriver. This session covers - retrieving absolute file path copy file to another file read txt file read property file parsing xml file Java training video can be watched online. If you have any question then please post it in comment section

Date and Time operations with Selenium Webdriver

This is 10th training video in the series of learning java for selenium webdriver. This session covers - generate time in ms calculate time difference between two operations creating date instance using java.util.Date compare dates, which date is ahead? accessing year, month day etc for a given calendar generating future/past dates formatting date a complex example - generating future date for USA time zone Java  training video tutorial can be watched online. Please post your questions in the comment section  

Introduction to java collection framework

This is 8th java training video in the series of learning java for selenium webdriver. This video covers - The core collection interfaces. List, Set, Map  Important collection methods  Introduction to ArrayList - Introduction to HashSet - Introduction to HashMap - Traversing collection using for each loop and Iterator Object Java video training tutorial can be watched online. If you have any question then please post it in comment section.

Java Generics, Exception and Selenium Webdriver

This is the 7th java training video in this series of java training video tutorial. This video covers following topics - Generics : Raw Type Generic Type Exception: Exception Hierarchy - Types of exceptions -   Checked Exception   Unchecked Exception -   Error   RunTimeException Handling Exception with try - catch - finally block Specifying the exception Excep tion classes in WebDriver  Selenium Java Training Video can be watched online.  If you have any question then please post it in comment section,

Java interface and Selenium Webdriver

This is 6th training session of learning java with selenium webdriver. This session covers following topics - Interface in java   implementing an interface   Overriding method in interface   Using interface type   Down casting   Selenium examples   Java Selenium Webdriver tutorial can be watched online. Please post your questions in comments section down

Java Enum, switch and selenium webdriver

This is the fifth training video of java programming with selenium webdriver. This session covers - Enum Type -     With and without parameter    Creating Enum in Intellij   Iterating through values of enum   Instance Initialization   Switch Statement    Selenium examples   Selenium Java Training video can be watched online. Please post your questions in the comment section on this post.

Java classes, objects and Selenium Webdriver

This is the forth video tutorial of java programming with selenium. This session covers - Access specifiers Defining methods - instance and class methods Overloaded methods Passing variable argument to method Return value from method Using this keyword Static initializer Selenium java training video tutorial can be watch online If you have any questions then please post them in comment section herein  

Java Language Basics and Selenium

This is the third tutorial of Java programming with selenium. This session covers - Variables Instance Variables (Non-Static Fields)   Class Variables (Static Fields L ocal Variables  P arameters Introduction to Arrays Control flow statements If then If then else for break etc   The Java training Tutorial can be watched Online. If you have any questions then please post it in comment section

Object Oriented Programming and Java

This is the second tutorial of Java programming. This session covers - Introduction to Object Introduction to Class Introduction to Inheritance Introduction to Package Introduction to selenium API  The Java training Tutorial can be watched Online. If you have any questions then please post it in comment section

Beginning with Java

This is the first training video in the series of java training tutorials. This training video covers - Introduction to java technology Downloading community version of IDEA Installing Java Running your first java program The video tutorial can be accessed here   If you have any question about this tutorial then please post it in comment section herein

How to avoid null pointer exception?

While writing selenium tests we often come across verification points which deal with verifying attributes/properties of an html element. Consider following example WebElement webElement = driver.findElement("testEElement")); assert webElement.getAttribute("class"). equalsIgnoreCase("highlight") This example seems seemingly simple but there is catch. What if attribute class is missing? In this case, evaluation of second statement will throw null pointer exception. Hence a better approach would be to compare String "hightlight" with attribute of webelement. that is - assert  "highlight" . equalsIgnoreCase( webElement.getAttribute("class")) And this will return false if element attribute is missing from element because of an application defect.

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Manual Testing Checklist

This check list comprises of use cases which can be applied to any web application. Thought there are many areas covered but no checklist could cover all the possible checks under the sun. I am sure you would find that many more use cases can be added to this list. So here is the list I could think of - General Validation: ·                                 ·           Verify page focus on a field on page load. For example login page would have cursor blinking in user name field ·           Tabbing may let you bring control on fields and submit form which are supposed to be disabled and. Don’t rely if a field “looks” disabled as it may be exercised using tab key ·           Verify navigation of toolbar, menu items and fields using tab key. Tab order should be le...