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Having set up appium, lets run our first tests. But before that start the appium and android device / emulator as following -
Having set up appium, lets run our first tests. But before that start the appium and android device / emulator as following -
navigate to appium installation, which is following on my Ubuntu -
and start appium from command line or using Appium Desktop app
Open another command prompt and execute -
adb devices
and you should see list of devices attached as -
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
If you see any error message then re-verify all the steps mentioned earlier to make sure none of the step is missed
Sample JUnit project to run tests on android emulator
- Clone the following appium project -
- Import project in IDEA (or your favorite IDE) and Open AndroidEmulatorWebTest class -
- Right click on method testMobileWebOnEmulator and click Run. This would execute test on android emulator -