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5 minutes guides to using Selenium Tests Framework

The best way to learn to write tests using STF is is to use sample STF project, but in a gist – 

• Each test class should extend SeleniumTestPlan Class. SeleniumTestPlan class sets context of test i.e. browser environment etc 

 * Tests valid and invalid login use cases for Test Link
public class TestLinkLoginTest extends SeleniumTestPlan

• Each page object should extend PageObject class. Refer Page Object Description for more on this. PageObject class provides methods for interaction with page like – launching URL, selecting frame, waiting for element availability etc 

 * Defines service for TestLink login page
public class TestLinkLoginPage extends PageObject {

page object would contain the page element of page. i.e. – Textbox, Dropdown etc – 

    private static LinkElement seleniumTrainingLink = new LinkElement("Selenium Training LinkElement", By.linkText("Free Selenium Training"));
    private static TextFieldElement loginTextBox = new TextFieldElement("Login Text Box","login"));

If you want to launch application URL then you should create page object for a page with Boolean parameter true else you can just create page object without any parameter. In the former case you can use appURL defined in testng.xml to launch application or have your own mechanism of launching URL. You can see it's example in sample project

page object would encapsulate page operations in page object methods. i.e. - 

     * Logging in with valid credentials direct user to home page
     * @param user
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
public AdminHomePage loginAsValidUser(User user) throws Exception {
        return new AdminHomePage();

• For data driven tests define you test data object. Following example defines User object – 

 * User account for TestLink
public class User {

    private String userID;
    private String password;

    public String getUserID() {
        return userID;

   public String getPassword() {
        return password;

    public void setUserID(String userID) {
        this.userID = userID;

    public void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;

Now define your test data in a CSV. CSV file would contain Test method details and test data details. i.e. 


Herein loginAsInvalidUser and loginAsValidUser are two test methods and each test method is run for one set of test data. 
To run same test method with different data set, define corresponding data sets for method in csv file – 


Define the data provider method and consumer in your class – 

@DataProvider(name = "loginData", parallel = true)
    public static Iterator<Object[]> getUserInfo(Method m,
                                                 ITestContext testContext) throws Exception {
      // Some magic here 

     * Logs in to TestLink as valid user
     * @param testObject
     * @param user
     * @throws Exception
    @Test(groups = {"loginTestSuccess"}, dataProvider = "loginData",
            description = "Logs in to TestLink as admin")
    public void loginTestSuccess(TestEntity testEntity, final User user)
            throws Exception {

        new TestLinkLoginPage(true)

And not just this, there are many more features described in sample test project of STF. 
Enough of "Gyan"? Want install Selenium Tests Framework and try sample project which uses STF? 

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