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Installing Selenium Tests Framework

Installing STF -

To begin with STF you can clone seleniumtests project. It is a sample project which uses STF maven dependency and demonstrate it's feature.
If you want to try STF in your own project then please add following dependency to your project -


Please refer maven central repo for latest version of STF jar

Once cloned and imported, project would look as - 

which means that you need to install seleniumtestsframework to your .m2 folder. 
You can install seleniumtestsframework using following maven command - 

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=C:\Users\testingforum\Desktop\seleniumtestsframework-1.0.jar -DgroupId=com.seleniumtests -DartifactId=seleniumtestsframework -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar

Here -
is the location of seleniumtestsframework-1.0.jar on my system. Update this location with location of jar in your system 

If installation goes right then seleniumtestsframework would be installed in your .m2 repository - 

When there is a new version of seleniumtestsframework is released you should update <version>1.0</version>  in your pom.xml file and install latest seleniumtestsframework.jar 

Have a look at all src file in project and understand how tests use seleniumtestsframework. 
You can execute test either from testng.xml file available in project or using
mvn test
 command from command line 

One test execution is over then following test result report would open in FF browser - 

Stuck with Something? Have a question on STF? Please post it in 
testing forum 

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