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Selenium Function Library + File Handler

Here is my first attempt towards building Selenium Function Library. Here is a class which deals with File handling. Hence test data can be externalized in to notepad, excel, word pad instead of hard coding it in Selenium Scripts. So you can fetch test data using excel, csv etc and supply it to Selenium, more over you can execute same Selenium script for different set of data.

Java jars which I used here are jxl and Apache HSSF

 * Performs read/write operations on files
public class FileHandler {

  * Retrieves the data from the properties file using variable name.
  * @param path
  *            to Property file.
  * @param variableName
  *            stored in the properties file.
  * @return value of property
  * @throws Exception

 public static String getDataFromPropertiesFile(String path,
   String variableName) throws Exception {

  * Retrieves the Excel cell value based on the row and column number.
  * @param path
  * @param sheetNumber
  * @param rowNumber
  * @param col
  * @return cell value
  * @throws Exception
 public static String readExcelData(String path, int sheetNumber,
   int rowNumber, int col) throws Exception {

  * Writes the provided value to the Excel cell based on the row and column
  * number.
  * @param path
  * @param rowNumber
  * @param col
  * @param addDataToCell
  * @throws Exception
 public static void writeToExcel(String path, String sheetName,
   int rowNumber, int col, String addDataToCell) throws Exception {

  * Retrieves single row data based on the row number
  * @param path
  * @param sheetNumber
  * @param rowNumber
  * @return cell values of a single row
  * @throws Exception

 public static ArrayList getRowDataFromExcel(String path,
   int sheetNumber, int rowNumber, int startColNumber)
   throws Exception {

  * Retrieves column data based on the row number
  * @param path
  * @param sheetNumber
  * @param colNumber
  * @param startRowNumber
  * @return cell values of a single column
  * @throws Exception
 public static ArrayList getColumnDataFromExcel(String path,
   int sheetNumber, int colNumber, int startRowNumber)
   throws Exception {

  * Provides the cell type of a cell whether its a Numeric, string,
  * blank cell etc.
  * @param cell
  * @return cell type based on the cell
  * @throws Exception

 public static String cellToString(HSSFCell cell) throws Exception {

  * Gets the columns in csv file
  * @param filePath
  * @return
 public static List getColumns(String filePath) {

  * Reads CSV data in to HashMap
  * @param project
  * @param filePath
  * @return
 public static HashMap readcsv(String filePath) {

  * Returns Data from the Notepad
  * @param path
  * @return data or null
  * @throws IOException

 public static String readFromNotepad(String path) throws IOException {

  * Writes the contents into Notepad.
  * @param path
  * @param text
  * @throws Exception

 public static void writeContentsToNotepad(String path, String text)

  * Retrieves contents from Word document
  * @param path
  * @return content or null
  * @throws Exception
 public static String readFromWordDoc(String path) throws Exception {

  * Writes the content to Word document.
  * @param path
  * @param addText
  * @throws Exception
 public static void writeToWordDoc(String path, String addText)


  1. How can we know about these jar files. Here you have used jxl for excel. Like that can u pls gimme more info on that.

  2. I mentioned it - "Java jars which I used here are jxl and Apache HSSF"


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