I had troubles working with FCK editors using QTP.
As these editors are recorded as “WebElement” it is not possible to perform “Set” operation on them
I came across two posts which talk about dealing with this issue,
One is of Tarun’s where in talks about using “object” as well as “DeviceReplay” methods which could be used to simulate control on FCK editor
He suggests not using “object” for browsers other than IE as it is supported only in IE
Browser("testB").Page("testP").Frame("Frame").WebElement("WebElement").object.innerText = "Text”
Browser("testB").Page("testP").Frame("Frame").WebElement("WebElement").object. innerHTML
= "<h1>Text</h1>”
While other method uses object “DeviceReply” object to exercise object on which control is brought.
'Click on Application Object
'Create device replay object
Set oDR = CreateObject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")
'Send some text
oDR.SendString "Text Text"
'Deallocate Object
oDR = Nothing
There is one more portal which provides more detail information it – Advanced QTP, did not have time to go through it
Tarun K
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