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Structure of test automation project

Note: If you are new to java and selenium then start with selenium java training videos. 
Have you come across situation when you did not know where you should keep the test class, page object or any supporting class. I am going to share some of the practices I follow when working on test automation project. Given that I work with java and maven, it solves the problem of the directory structure. Maven project may have many directory but these are the ones I use most -

src/main/java - any non test class, i.e - page object etc
src/main/resources - resources like - properties file, text file etc used by main classes
src/test/java - the test classes
src/test/resources - resources like - properties file, text file etc used by test classes.
target - this directory is created automatically building a maven project and

Let’s focus on src/main/java - this is a directory which contains all of non test code. I usually end up having following structure on src/main/java -


Hence it looks as -

Screenshot from 2016-07-27 10:16:07.png
Package core contains SelTestCase class which takes care of setup and teardown. Given that I use STF, I don’t have to set up browser myself and setup method is mere access to application URL, test environment etc

Screenshot from 2016-07-27 10:21:45.png

Package dataobjects contains the test data objects used by the test classes -

Screenshot from 2016-07-27 10:32:41.png

Package groups contains TestNG test group. It is set of classes with String constants so that I can easily change the group name by modifying the String constants.

Package model contains the API definition which are used by either test classes or page objects -

Screenshot from 2016-07-27 10:34:56.png

Package navigation contains the Navigation APIs for navigating through application pages. Hence navigation steps don’t have to be repeated in test classes or page objects -

Screenshot from 2016-07-27 10:40:02.png

Package pageobject does not need any introduction :-). I further divide pageobject package into application areas for which page objects are to be created -

Screenshot from 2016-07-27 10:45:12.png

I further divide /resources package into application environment related entities. I set up environment parameter in testng.xml file and depending on the environment corresponding data set is picked up for test run -

Screenshot from 2016-07-27 10:49:45.png

The test package contains the test classes. Like the page object, I created various packages to contain test classes of application area -

Screenshot from 2016-07-27 10:54:30.png

At times I also create util package containing utility classes. Though I would not recommend this approach as util package tends to become dumping ground of unrelated classes. A better approach would be to create dedicated packages for those classes.

This brings us end to this post. What do you think of this package structure? How does your test structure look like?

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