If you have been following page object pattern then you would have been abstracting page level operations in its own APIs. I usually write two types of page operations -
Action API - one which are very granular and focus only on actions on one element Operation API - which can either combine various actions and constitute bigger operations or could call just one action API.
For example when clicking on a link returns a new page object then following action API illustrates it -
public MemberProfilePage clickNameLinkofFirstMember() {
return new MemberProfilePage()
And Operation API could be as simple as just invoking one action API -
public MemberProfilePage acessFirstMemberProfile() {
return clickNameLinkofFirstMember()
Or operation API can combine various action APIs to derive a workflow -
public void shouldDsplayUpdatedNameWhenFirstNameIsChanged () {
MemberProfilePage memberProfilePage = new MemberProfilePage().changeFirstName(newName)
assert memberProfilePage.equals(newName):"Wrong member name";
And the workflow can be used in automated test -
Public void shouldDsplayUpdatedNameWhenFirstNameIsChanged () {
MemberProfilePage memberProfilePage = new MemberProfilePage().changeFirstName(newName)
assert memberProfilePage.equals(newName):"Wrong member name";