We reached a new milestone few days ago. It was about 2 years ago that we cross 1 million page views. We crossed a new mile stone few days ago. seleniumtests.com crossed 2 million page views days ago. Though addition on a million page views in not spectacular in span on 2 years but probably an indicator of popularity of a private blog. Last but not the least, seleniumtests.com would not have reached this milestone with out all of you. A big thanks to all of you :-)
Note: If you are new to java and selenium then start with selenium java training videos . Email confirmation seems to be integral part of any registration process. I came across an application which lets you provide your email address. You can follow the sign up link in you mail and then complete the registration process. Lets consider we provide GMail address for it. Now if were to use only Selenium then we would have to follow following steps - Launch GMail using Selenium; Some how search for new mail in the list of available mails; Some how click on it; Parse the mail message; Get the registration link; Follow up with registration process What do you think of an approach in which you can