If you use Git version control system then following commands may come handy for creating new branch for selenium tests -
Create new branch and commit tests/features to branch –
git checkout –b <branchname>
Work on branch and commit
git commit –m “developed awesome feature”
Merge branch to your local master
pull if remote master is updated and then merge the branch
If you want to avoid creation of merge commit then rebase else merge and push to remote master
git pull --rebase
git merge <branchname>
git push
Once done with branch then delete it
git branch –d <branchname>
If you want local branch to be pushed to git so that more than one committer could work on it
git push -u origin <branchname>
If origin does not have a <branchname>, then it is created on the fly. The -u tells git that you want to be able to easily push and pull changes to that branch in the future. This is needed when multiple committers are working on same branch
Now you can commit changes to remote local branch.
If another committer wants to use the <branchname>
git fetch origin
git checkout --track origin/<branchname>
The first command updates repository with the changes from the remote repository. The second command creates a local branch that matches the origin/plugin branch and tells git that new committer wants to be able to easily push and pull from the branch on GitHub.
Deleting branch locally and from git
git branch –d <branchname>
git push origin --delete <branch name>
In case there are conflicts when merging branch to master
- Resolve conflicts manually
- git commit
The commit message would be like this “””Merge branch 'branch name’””” and the push -
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