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Finally some good news for Software Testers

Here are some of the latest Testing and IT news from our technical reporters -
  • IT managers consortium has agreed that software testers would no longer be blamed for a production defects. Though they are yet to find some one who they could put blame on (Johny the developer is said to be already suffering from ProductionDefectoPhobia)
  • Consortium has also agreed on having salary of software testers on par with software developer at least by 2020. There was an unanimous decision on increasing management salary by 23% from immediate effect
  • Consortium has barred developed from using phrase "It works locally". Violation of this rule would attract 1 night out in office. Continuous violation would attract exponential salary deductions
  • Speak and Automate - New era in automated testing. Voice Automation tool for web and windows application was released yesterday. This tool is capable of generating automation suites as you speak of application use cases. Tool supports recording tests in 17 human spoken languages. Support for recording tests in English would be available in next release on 1st April 2013. One of the hidden feature of tool is its ability of comprehending results for other's sake. 
  • HP is supposedly sued Voice Automation tool company. HP claims that Voice Automation tools uses their patented technology which they were wanting to release in next version of QTP
  • HP is secretly trying buy Selenium, an open source testing tool. HP plans to merge Selenium with QTP, new tool would be called - "WeKilledOpenSource"
  • IT service industry in third world countries has decided to no more use non working VISA to depute their employees onsite, in return president Obama has taken auth to no more use words like - "Banaglore" and "Banaglored" when talking of outsourcing
  • And last but not least, 1st April has been declared world software testing day. All testers are allowed to vent their anger on this day


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, You should download latest selenium copy before then happens. Who knows, HP might block it tomorrow.

  2. Hmm.. That's strange.
    You are celebrating 1st April on 5-th. Maybe your time zone is GTM -96

    1. looks like a defect, article was published late :P


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