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Which testing role are you playing and why

Which category of software tester do you fall in?
  • Manual tester: who gets the requirements (or some times not), works along with development team when they are using non verbal languages (read - java, c#, php etc) and you are using most sophisticated language (read english) to jot down the same thing - client expectations.
  • Work delegation Engineer:  You assign work to fellow testers, question them when they miss deadline or defects, make sure they have enough work for entire week and probably more after heading home. Now you know which category you fall in.
  • Tool analysis and recommendation engineer: You job is to recommend tools for various situations. Tool could be as simple as xenu link checker or those zillions of automated UI testing and performance tools.
  • UI Automation test engineer: You automate most pressing use case scenarios so that you and you team could spend time in rational manual testing find valuable defects.
  • Time pass tester (aka Facebook tester) There is tons of work but you are just uninterested. Why should you work when you reporting manager does not. But yet you need to show some thing end of the day. Well, find that blocked bug and make you point why you can not proceed with testing. As simple as that.
  • Performance Test Engineer: You understand impact a sloe loading site could have on potential Customers for clients. You also take pro active approach and enlighten your client about significance of performance testing.
  • Open Source Evangelist You know that it is not tool but you who has the penultimate power. You are aware of open source alternatives of so called "professional" commercial tools and make sure that your client does not have to cough up enormous money on those commercial tools when same goal could be achieve using open source tools


  1. Nice post. Interesting!
    What would you suggest to a Time Pass Tester and what would you suggest to his/her manager?

    1. I would not disturb either and let them continue with their time pass :D


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