Soft Assertion is a check which doesn't abort tests if assertion fails. (Same
way there is Hard Assertion which aborts tests if assertion fails.)
Selenium API has verify.* methods for this but their are draw backs of these
methods -
1. Verification methods do not take string arg hence if multiple verifications
fail in a method then there is no way to point as to which assertion failed.
2. To check verification errors checkForVerificationErrors method is called. But
if there is any verification error this method doesn't clear the verification
errors after having caught it. Hence no subsequent verification errors would be
These limitation are described here -
These methods are part of Java-Client-Driver of selenium.
I have modified checkForVerificationErrors method like this -
Here Reporter is the class in TestNG using which I get the message printed in
TestNG Report. If Selenium is to be used with JUnit then I believe it should be
replaced with System.out.println("error message");
You could use these methods in you tests as following -
way there is Hard Assertion which aborts tests if assertion fails.)
Selenium API has verify.* methods for this but their are draw backs of these
methods -
1. Verification methods do not take string arg hence if multiple verifications
fail in a method then there is no way to point as to which assertion failed.
2. To check verification errors checkForVerificationErrors method is called. But
if there is any verification error this method doesn't clear the verification
errors after having caught it. Hence no subsequent verification errors would be
These limitation are described here -
These methods are part of Java-Client-Driver of selenium.
I have modified checkForVerificationErrors method like this -
Here Reporter is the class in TestNG using which I get the message printed in
TestNG Report. If Selenium is to be used with JUnit then I believe it should be
replaced with System.out.println("error message");
You could use these methods in you tests as following -
Hi Tarun... Thanks for this wonderful post... I have been searching for this for a long time... Could you please share me the updated java client jar, which u have mentioned in this post. My mail id is mgharikrishnan at gmail. dot com. Thanks in advance
ReplyDeleteThough I don't have access to jar any more, I would post entire class here and you could use it you tests... To do so I am going to modify this blog post
ReplyDeleteTarun.. Thanks for updating this post... I will try to implement this in my code and get back to you, IF i have any doubt!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, once again!!!
~ Harri...
:) I will be glad if it helps you.